Monday 19 May 2014


Our next port of call was Malawi, we had a long drive arriving at our campsite late afternoon.  The campsite was great and we set up our tents just a few meters from the beaches of Lake Malawi, it had a bar, loads of water sports (for those crazy enough to go into the lake) and someone to do our laundry for us, it was a little piece of heaven.  The campsite was busy for our first night as there were 4 different tour trucks, our second night was much quieter.

Most of us spent the day relaxing at the beach, working on our tans and watching the world go by whilst gossiping on the beach and in the bar.

Lake Malawi from our Kande Beach campsite

Lake Malawi Sunset
Lake Malawi Sunrise
After 2 days at our camp site we departed and headed for a different site to get us closer to the Tanzania border.  Our campsite was again great and located on the beach.  

Some of the kids we passed along the way to our next camp site
One of the small villages we passed travelling between campsites
We had a little more free time when we arrived so a few of us decided to visit the local Witch Doctor and have our futures told.  We walked through the local village to get to the Witch Doctor and got to play with some of the local kids which were all so excited to see us.

We also had a chance to visit the local markets which was predominantly filled with wood carvings and some smaller jewellery pieces, it was nice to interact with the guys that run the shops and have a chat with them.
The beach at our 2nd Campsite on Lake Malawi
The Local Witch Doctor

One of the little locals
Some of the local kids skipping with pumpkin vines
All in all it was a nice relaxing few days in Malawi before our long days of travel into Tanzania.

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