Monday 28 April 2014


We spent 4 days in stunning Botswana on the Okavango Delta and in Chobe National Park, both places were absolutely amazing and did not disappoint on wildlife or beauty.

Our fir 2 days were spend by the Okavango Delta where we went on Mokoro rides, bush walked and camped on a small island.  The Okavango is just like you see in travel brochures with giant water lilies and papyrus plants.  We spent a good few hours cruising up and down the delta and were lucky to see elephants and hippos along the way.

We also visited Chobe National Park where we saw so many animals.  We started with a dawn game drive which meant a 5:00am wake up before a5:45 departure.  The drive started slow with little animal life but improved as we started to see a range of different eagle and other prey birds, they are amazing to see so close.

Towards the end of the morning drive we came across a herd of elephant which was amazing, again they came so close and were just a few meters away when they passed behind our truck, it was truly fantastic.

That same afternoon we went on a boat safari on the Chobe River we were again spoilt with animals including Hippo, birds of prey, crocodile, kudu, impala and 2 more elephant herds.  We watched one herd fro a while as they played in the water, there were 2 young elephants in this herd, which were so very cute.

The afternoon boat trip was fantastic and was topped off by an amazing sunset over the river.  We couldn’t have asked for a better time in Botswana, everything was just perfect.

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